Prayer and Lent
Over the last couple of years we’ve all had to work out different ways to do pretty much everything in life. That has provoked challenges and questions about what we do, and why we do it. And it’s been no different for us as church!
As we look ahead, we are so very conscious that we need God, and that prayer has to be our underlying foundation, and our fuel, in everything. We want to be pursuing God, following Jesus closely, and be responsive to the Holy Spirit - and we want to create spaces, and regular rhythms, to do that together.
We are using the run up to Easter (Lent) to do this; to pray, to wrestle with God, to listen, to ask, to intercede, in different ways, and at different times.
We’re excited to do this as a church family, to re-focus on prayer, and to see what God has for us! Please get involved, and do get in touch using the contact form below!
Something Different Sunday
Sunday 6th March at 10.30am
Focus on PRAYER - more details and sign up to what gathering/activity you want to be involved in HERE.
Online Prayer Breakfasts
Tuesday 8th March and Tuesday 5th April
7am on zoom. Link HERE.
Unanswered Prayer Course
Starts Wednesday 9th March for 5 weeks
7.30pm at Ebe Church building.
Small group to encourage honest conversations around the challenging questions we have about prayer. Full details and sign up HERE.
Whole church Prayer Gathering
(+ day of prayer and fasting)
Wednesday 30th March
8pm at Ebe Church Building
More details to come
Thursday 14th April
8pm at Ebe Church Building
Worship, prayer and communion.
More details to come
Saturday 16th April
10am - 2pm at Ebe Church Building
Drop-in at any point for some quiet
and reflective space.
More details to come
Sunday 17th April
10.30am at Ebe Church Building
Below are some resources to help you focus on prayer during the 40 days of Lent.
Lectio for Families is a free devotional app that helps families to read the Bible and explore faith through conversation and prayer together.
Lectio 365 is a free daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day.
Books with a focus on Lent available from
Life Recovery Lent daily email is a resource that will help subscribers to get a window into the Life Course (run by inHope) and the experiences of those on it, and to reflect for ourselves on the topic being taught.
Red Letter Christians calendar of daily reflections & simple practices to invest in spiritual resilience during the season of Lent.
Open Doors Lent Prayer Guide - pray for Christians in 40 different countries where Christians experience the worst persecution.
The Big Church Read - ‘And Yet - Finding Joy in Lament’. Join Rachel Newham (who spoke at Ebe in October and is part of Kintsugi Hope team) as she presents 6 sessions with accompanying videos and questions for reflection and discussion.