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‘Who are we?


Our church is informal, diverse, and we welcome everyone to be a part of it.
Wherever you are at with faith we’d love to meet you and help you connect with us in whatever way fits for you right now.

As a church our vision is to be people who are -

 “continually reproducing the life of Jesus”

We believe that Jesus is real, that He changes our lives, and that we become more like Him as we get to know Him better. We want to share that with our friends, family, and our communities.

This aim can be broken down into 4 simple parts...

We love Jesus. We want to help people find and follow Jesus.  

We love each other. We pray, worship, and learn, so that together we become more like Jesus. 


We follow Jesus’ example. We give our time, our skills, and our resources, generously.

We partner with others. We actively engage with our communities, our city, and our world to show Jesus’ love, and tackle issues of injustice. 

We don’t do any of this on our own. We trust God, learn from the Bible and depend on the Holy Spirit to keep filling us up, so we can be more like Jesus.

Vision Sunday 2024

Ebenezer?? It’s an ‘interesting’ name for a church isn’t it?! But it’s actually a really important part of who we are, here’s why…

This in the Bible, from 1 Samuel 7:12 - “Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, ‘Thus far the Lord has helped us.’”

Samuel, and the whole community of Israel, set up this Ebenezer stone as a lasting reminder that they hadn’t got to this specific point on their own.

The great thing for us is that some very wise people in the 1930’s gave this church this same, slightly weird, but actually very wonderful name, Ebenezer. And as with Samuel, this reminds us to keep grounded. We remember that we are here, that this church is still standing (literally and otherwise) because it’s God who has got us this far.

When we look back, we are so grateful, and point everything back to God. We trust God, we stick close to Him, and as we look ahead, we move forward together.