At Ebe, our vision is to be ‘continually reproducing the life of Jesus’, and to do this we need to be people who are willing to devote time, energy and money to this exciting purpose.
We believe that giving a proportion of our personal income to the church is an important part of Christian commitment and something the Bible clearly teaches. The Biblical principle of tithing, or giving the first 10% of your income to God, is first mentioned in Genesis. Many Christians still take this as their starting point for their giving and have found that God cares extravagantly for those who give in this way.
How to give
The Bible encourages us to be systematic in our giving. The guidelines in 1 Corinthians 16:2 encourage us to give
Regularly: choose a set time interval for your giving, eg weekly or monthly, perhaps according to how you are paid.
Proportionately: the proportion we give is far more significant than the amount.
What happens to the money?
Stewarding God’s money well is a high priority. Our treasurer (Susie Fisher) and finance team, make every effort to ensure money is used responsibly and wisely. Checks are in place to ensure money is used well and copies of the accounts are made available to the church.
How to give at Ebe
Give by BACS one-off or regular Standing Order directly to our bank account - ‘Ebenezer Evangelical Church’. Bank account number - 00010379. Sort code - 40-52-40.
Gift Aid Declaration: If you are a UK taxpayer, signing a Gift Aid Declaration enables us to claim back tax worth 25% on top of your gift. This provides a significant increase in the church’s income at no extra cost to you. If your tax position changes, please advise the Treasurer. You can request a paper gift aid form or fill in the online giving form HERE.
Giving envelopes: If you have signed a Gift Aid Declaration, you will have chosen a unique number. If you want to give by either cash or cheque, please use an envelope with your number written on it. Envelopes can be placed in the offering bags or sent to the church office.
Give one-off gift online here.
Give by text giving - Text EBECHURCH 5 to 70085 to donate £5 OR Text EBECHURCH 10 to 70085 to donate £10, OR Text EBECHURCH 20 to 70085 to donate £20
Cash or cheque: These can be placed in the offering bags or sent to the church office. Cheques payable to ‘Ebenezer Evangelical Church’.
Ebetrust is a registered charity and its audited accounts appear on the Charity Commission website.