Whole Church Prayer Day and Gathering

Wednesday 30th March, Ebe Church Building, 7.45pm for 8pm start.

It’s pretty amazing that when it comes to praying we can do this at any time, in any place, with lots of words, or no words at all. God loves to spend time with us, He’s a great listener and He has things to say to us too!


Praying as a church family together is a good thing! We need a community around us to encourage, challenge and grow our faith and it’s really helpful to do this regularly in the same place at the same time.
Acts 1:14 says; “They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers”.
Jesus friends weren’t sure what was going to happen next, so they prayed together, and a LOT!


We are looking forward to setting aside this evening to get together to pause, to pray in different ways, to look to God, to listen to what He might be saying as we ask ‘What’s Next?’ kind of questions as to what God has for us as a church going forward. We want to be open, responsive, and keep on this journey as a community together. Everyone is welcome, and there will be no pressure to pray out loud!  


We want to make this time together accessible for everyone so we will have a private YouTube livestream as well as meeting in the church building – www.ebe.org.uk/prayergathering

On Wednesday 30th March there will also be a couple of 30 minute zoom prayer gatherings you can join…

Prayer Breakfast: 7.30am - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86286651870?pwd=dFAvRmVZME1RcnYydVZ2TnhrL3Zhdz09 (Meeting ID: 862 8665 1870. Passcode: 994993)

Prayer Lunch: 12.30pm -
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83892833361?pwd=TDJTNndrSTNFWGpJRGRyVmRnaWdoQT09 (Meeting ID: 838 9283 3361. Passcode: 482425)

And if you’d like to get involved in fasting as well as praying, you can find out more here!

See you soon!
Ebe Key Leadership Team

Stewart North