Climate Change
Over the last few weeks, the UK has hosted the UN climate summit COP26 in Glasgow. Governments of practically every country have come together to make plans for tackling the climate crisis. Decisions made will affect us all – especially those living in poverty who bear the brunt of the climate emergency.
At Ebe, we want to continue to live out a biblical vision to ‘act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God’ (Micah 6:8, The Bible) and what does this look with the climate crisis that we are facing. On this page are some resources to help you research, pray and take action. If you have more resources to add then please email

Tearfund Prayer Resources - Resources and guides to help you pray for the climate emergency.
Climate Intercessors - network of people learning to pray prayers that are as real and urgent as the climate crisis. They meet each month on zoom.
Pray and Fast for the Climate - Sign up for informative monthly emails.
Hazelnut Community Farm - a Christian community that is engaging with creation and climate emergency. One of their sites is behind Eden Grove Methodist Church in Upper Horfield.
Climate Emergency Toolkit - guides for churches or Christian organisations with simple but powerful actions that have an impact far beyond your own walls or community.
Eco Church - free online survey and supporting resources are designed to equip church to express your care for God’s world
Wildlife Trusts - grassroots movement that believes we need nature and it needs us.
Reading and Viewing Resources
Climate Factsheet - easy to understand information about climate crisis and what we can do about it
The Church and Climate Change - inspiring short talk by Victoria Paynter (and other Fuelcast Climate change videos here)
Climate Change Spot Item - Steve and Tim chatting about Climate Change in an online Ebe service
Protecting God’s planet - Brooks family sharing as part of online Ebe All Age Service in July 2020